First Week - In the Books!

Our first week is in the books and it was everything we prayed for. The children quickly acclimated to our innovative learning model, which is a hybrid between independent Montessori-style studies and traditional instruction. Throughout the week, we were able to use both the school’s private playground and green space, and our larger playground a short sidewalk away. We were also delighted to hear that many students and families are already getting to know each other.

Fun facts:

1) The most popular part of the day was overwhelmingly work cycle (i.e., independent study)… well, that is, after lunch and recess, of course!

2) While the older children mostly spent time and played with their peers, we noticed that they also quickly assumed their roles as role models for the younger students. It was a true blessing watching the older students take junior leadership roles in the classroom.

3) Having multiple playgrounds was a big hit. The students loved playing ball in the open green space on one day and then moving to the larger playground with more equipment on the other days.

Our main takeaway from Week 1? We love our students and God is great!


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